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19th century Notaires book press
with gilded lines
email us about this press
Period French Notaires' press or book press, in original condition with a gilded line around the top of the press plate in excellent original condition.

  • Height 37.5cms  (14¾")
  • Width 38.5cms (15¼”)
  • Depth 33.5cms (13¼”)
  • the plate size is 24cms (9½”) by 28.5cms  (11¼”)
  • it opens to 4cms (2½”)


    Information contained in this website is the sole copyright of The French Antique Stove Company and may not be copied, sold, or stored in any archive or retrieval system without the written permission of The French Antique Stove Company. Any unlawful infringement of copyright will result in litigation.
    © 2004 The French Antique Stove Company, Luneau France